Thursday, November 29, 2012

Story Paradise

Friday, November, 30 2012

            Everyone had a blast yesterday at Story Paradise.  It was very well run, interactive and everyone had fun participating in the activities and stories.  I highly recommend going when you have the opportunity.  This was a great way to launch out Literacy Week that starts Monday.  We will be doing even more literacy activities the entire week. 

This year I am inviting parents to come into the classroom and read a story to the Pre-K’s.  This story can be in Chinese or English, and could be a favourite of yours growing up or one that your son or daughter loves to hear at home.  If you are available and would like to share the joy of reading could you please let me know.  We can find a time that is convenient for you.  It does not need to be long but I would like the students to see how everyone takes pleasure from reading.

            The Christmas show is just around the corner and we have been practicing every day.  For the costumes I am asking for all the students to dress in either all brown or black (pants and long or short sleeve shirt).  Could you please start sending in the clothes so we can begin our dress rehearsals as soon as possible.

As we all know Jasmine joined the Pre-K class this week.  Ms. Vicky and I are very proud and delighted at all the help every Pre-K student has offered her.  We have seen everyone go out of their way to help, console and make her feel at home here.

            Since December is a shorter month there will be no homework package.  If anyone else wants to have homework in the New Year please let me know.  Also there will be no letter book going home this week because we reviewed all letters, sight words and phonetic sounds.

Reading Tips
Reading Tip of the Week
Listen to your child read
As your child learns to read, listen to him or her read aloud. Reading to you gives your child a chance to practice and to improve his or her reading skills.
As you listen to your child, remember that your reactions are important. Above all, listen without interrupting. Be enthusiastic and praise your child as often as you can. If possible, be specific with your praise so that your child knows what he or she is doing well.
·                       Show your child that you are enjoying the story by indicating interest and by asking questions.
·                       Give your child time to figure out tricky words, and show your child how he or she can learn from mistakes.
·                       Try to have your child read aloud to you at times when there will be no interruptions.
·                       Make sure that your child selects books that aren't too difficult. Don't worry if the books your child chooses are a little easier than the ones he or she reads at school.
·                       Encourage your child to "listen" to his or her own reading. Listening will help him or her hear mistakes and try to fix them.
·                       Take turns reading with your child, especially if he or she is just beginning to read, or try reading together.
·                       Talk about a story after your child has read it, to make sure that he or she understands it.
Don't forget to encourage your child to read on his or her own!
What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “The Gingerbread Man”
2.      Pocket chart poems
3.      Phonics book Review
4.      Making sight words with stamps

Math Centres
1.      Gingerbread Man board game
2.      Peg board making shapes
3.      Making a 3D Gingerbread Man house
4.      Making 3D shapes from Play Dough

Word of the week:  (review week)

Student of the week
The student of the week is Caroline.  She has begun to speak a lot of English inside the Pre-K class and is always making everyone laugh with her jokes.  Caroline is also a great singer and loves to practice for the Christmas show.  Keep up the great work!!!!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Please return the word rings after a few days
2.      November 30th Monthly assembly
3.      December 4-7 Literacy week
4.      December 4 School book sale
5.       December 6th Caves book sale
6.      December 14th Christmas concert
7.      December Monthly assembly
8.      December 18th Half day and start of Christmas vacation

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

You don't understand anything until you learn it more than one way.
Marvin Minsky

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Friday, November, 16 2012

            That was a great feast we all had yesterday at the American Thanksgiving lunch.  There was so much delicious food and I want to thank everyone for all of their help.  I saw many familiar faces and it was great way to celebrate Thanksgiving.

            I have completed my third reading observations and I am so happy with all of the progress that the students have made with regards to literacy.  Keep reading as much as you can to your child and like I said to some during the parent teacher meetings, it doesn't matter if you are reading English or Chinese, reading is reading.  I prefer English of course but reading in Chinese will transfer over to English.  Also, when you are reading with your child encourage them to help you locate and read the sight words.  They love helping and showing how they can read as well. 

            Next Thursday is the field trip to Story Paradise, please pack an easy to eat snack and if possible the school shirt uniform.  Today I sent home Goldilocks and the Three Bears puppet and story board.  We have practiced this a few times at school; over the weekend could you ask your son or daughter to perform it for you.  They might need a few prompts but I have heard them all perform it very well.  If anyone does not know the story here are some YouTube links to help.  This does not need to be brought back to school and can stay at home for future use.

            The Pre-K class is growing and starting next Monday, Jasmine will be joining us.  We are all excited to have her; please welcome her and her family to HIS.

Reading Tips
Tip 5 –  Talk About Books
Talking about the books you read is just as important as reading them. Discussing a story or a book with your child helps your child understand it and connect it to his or her own experience of life. It also helps enrich your child's vocabulary with new words and phrases.
Here are some ways to help your child acquire skills in comprehension, reasoning, and critical thinking:
·                       Ask your child about the kinds of books he or she would like to read.
·                       Talk to your child about your favourite books from childhood, and offer to read them.
·                       Encourage your child to ask questions and to comment on the story and pictures in a book – before, during, and after reading it.
·                       Look at the cover and the title of a book with your child, and ask your child what he or she thinks might happen in the story.
·                       Encourage your child to think critically about the story. Does he or she agree or disagree with the author? Why?
·                       Think out loud about the story as you read, and encourage your child to do the same. For example, ask, "Does this make sense? Why or why not?"
·                       Give your child time to think about the story, and then ask him or her about it again a few days later.

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story choice of fairy tales
2.      Pocket chart poems
3.      Phonics book Jj
4.      Acting out the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” or “Little Red Riding Hood”
Math Centres
1.      Make a match card game
2.      Computer:  Geometry Game
3.      Tower racing game
4.      Making 3D shapes from Play Dough

Word of the week:  has

Student of the week
The student of the week is Alyssa Tung.  Over the past few weeks Ms. Vicky and I have seen lots of improvements in all areas of the curriculum.  She has also consistently caring and helping others.  Way to go Alyssa!!!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Please return the word rings after a few days
2.      November 29th Field trip to Story Paradise
3.      November 30th Monthly assembly
4.      December 4-7 Literacy week
5.      December 4 School book sale
6.       December 6th Caves book sale
7.      December 14th Christmas concert
8.      December Monthly assembly
9.      December 18th Half day and start of Christmas vacation

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere
Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Friday, November, 16 2012

            Time keeps flying by and we have already begun to practice our Christmas performance.  It will be December 14th at 6:30pm.  If anyone cannot attend could you please let me know A.S.A.P because I will have to adjust the performance accordingly. 

            This week we have begun to speak only English during our literacy and math centres.  This is the first step in our goal to only speak only English when inside the classroom.  It has been very easy for the students to accomplish this goal and even throughout the entire day I rarely hear any Chinese spoken.  

            I have started word rings in the class.  They are all of the sight words that the students learn put onto a metal ring.  Since we learn one or two new words every week the word ring will grow and grow.  On occasion these word rings will go home and could you please quiz your child on the words.  High frequency words are essential to know and use in both reading and writing.   When children have a number of high frequency words under control they can read them in text and then focus their attention on solving new words.  The same occurs in writing.  Please return the word rings after a few days at home so we can add more words to them.  Also, each word has a corresponding hand signal I do for them.  If you child gets stuck on a particular word you can come and see me and I can show you the corresponding hand signal.

Reading Tips
Read Every Day
Children love routine, and reading is something that you and your child can look forward to every day. By taking the time to read with your child, you show him or her that reading is important and fun to do.
Try to read with your child as often as possible. It's the best thing you can do to help him or her learn at school! It also allows you to spend time together in an enjoyable way and to build a strong and healthy relationship.
·                       Start reading with your child when he or she is very young.
·                       Set aside a special time each day when you can give your full attention to reading with your child.
·                       Choose a comfortable spot to read, where you can be close to your child. Make it your "reading place"! Set aside a special shelf in that area for your child's books.
·                       Choose a variety of books.
·                       Vary the length of reading time according to your child's age and interests. For young children, several short sessions (of 10 minutes each) may be better than one long session (of 30 minutes).
·                       Read slowly so that your child can form a mental picture of what is happening in the story.
·                       Praise your child for his or her ideas and participation!
·                       When you and your child are away from home, take along books, magazines, and books-on-tape for your child to read and listen to.
·                       Keep reading to your child even after he or she has learned to read. By reading stories that will interest your child but that are above his or her reading level, you can stretch your child's understanding and keep alive the magic of shared reading.

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “Little Red Riding Hood”
2.      Roll and say board game
3.      Phonics book Ii
4.      Acting out the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

Math Centres
1.      Goldilocks and the Three Bears board game
2.      Computer:  Geometry Game
3.      Making block towers and then drawing them
4.      Shape monster booklet

Word of the week:  an

Student of the week
The student of the week is Winston.  Recently Winston has emerged as a strong leader within the Pre-K class.  He is speaking a lot more English and was able to do Treasure Bag this week without any help!  Ms. Vicky and I are very pleased to see this outstanding growth.

Reminders and Notices
1.      Please return the word rings after a few days
2.      November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school
3.      November 29th Field trip to Story Paradise
4.      November 30th Monthly assembly
5.      December 4-7 Literacy week
6.      December 4 School book sale
7.       December 6th Caves book sale
8.      December 14th Christmas concert
9.      December Monthly assembly
10. December 18th Half day and start of Christmas vacation

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

                          Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere
Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Friday, November, 8 2012

            Thanks to all the parents that came out for our Halloween party.  It was great to see everyone dressed up and in the Halloween spirit.  The trick and treating around the school was a big success and all of the students were able to receive a lot of candy.

            I want to give another big thank you to everyone who came to the parent teacher interviews this week.  I always like sitting down and going over all of the progress that the students have made.  

            Time just keeps passing and we are now already into November.  This month our unit is nursery rhymes and we will be covering Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs (maybe) and the Gingerbread Man.  In Math we are studying sequencing, basic shapes and representing whole numbers to 10. 

            This month I have started to implement English inside the classroom.  We are going to start very slowly and gradually build up our stamina. For some it will be very easy while others might have some difficulties.  Could you please talk to your son our daughter about speaking English during designated times.  Our first step is only speaking English during literacy centres.  At lunch and recess or anytime outside the classroom I will allow them to speak their native languages.  This is a very important step in learning English and it will benefit the students immensely. 

Reading Tips
Read Every Day
Children love routine, and reading is something that you and your child can look forward to every day. By taking the time to read with your child, you show him or her that reading is important and fun to do.
Try to read with your child as often as possible. It's the best thing you can do to help him or her learn at school! It also allows you to spend time together in an enjoyable way and to build a strong and healthy relationship.
·                       Start reading with your child when he or she is very young.
·                       Set aside a special time each day when you can give your full attention to reading with your child.
·                       Choose a comfortable spot to read, where you can be close to your child. Make it your "reading place"! Set aside a special shelf in that area for your child's books.
·                       Choose a variety of books.
·                       Vary the length of reading time according to your child's age and interests. For young children, several short sessions (of 10 minutes each) may be better than one long session (of 30 minutes).
·                       Read slowly so that your child can form a mental picture of what is happening in the story.
·                       Praise your child for his or her ideas and participation!
·                       When you and your child are away from home, take along books, magazines, and books-on-tape for your child to read and listen to.
·                       Keep reading to your child even after he or she has learned to read. By reading stories that will interest your child but that are above his or her reading level, you can stretch your child's understanding and keep alive the magic of shared reading.
What we did in our centres this week
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
2.      Roll and say board game
3.      Phonics book Hh
4.      Making the alphabet from Lego

Math Centres
1.      Goldilocks and the Three Bears board game
2.      Making bowls, chairs and beds for the Three Bears (big, medium and small)
3.      Making block towers
4.      Goldilocks and the Three Bears cut and paste sizing activity

Word of the week:  this

Student of the week
The student of the week is Joshua.  Every week he is learning a lot of English and this week when we started speaking English all the time during literacy centres he did an amazing job.  Ms. Vicky and I are so proud of you.  Keep up the great work Joshua!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Mini books that get sent home (My Aa, Hh, etc.) need to be brought back to school
2.      November 14 Fun day
3.      November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school
4.      November 29th Field trip to Story Paradise
5.      November 30th Monthly assembly
6.      December 4-7 Literacy week
7.      December 4 School book sale
8.       December 6th Caves book sale
9.      December 14th Christmas concert
10. December Monthly assembly
11. December 18th Half day and start of Christmas vacation
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon
“Nature was my Kindergarten”
William Handy