Wednesday, September 29, 2010

October 1st

Friday, October, 1 2010
            Wow!  October is already here.  I am very pleased with how far the Pre-K’s have come in a very short time.  The students are already surprising me with how much they can do now.  Every Friday we do “Writers Workshop” which is weekly writing about what we did that week.  It is posted on the wall in the classroom and you are more than welcome to come in and see what your child is writing about.   

As discussed earlier October will be the first month of the homework packages.  It will go home on Monday with a letter explaining it.  If you are confused or need some clarification come by and we can discuss it.  As I mentioned, it is voluntary and I will never grade it.  I will look at it and now and then write some tips but that is all.

Also this week library books went home with your child.  Can you please return your child’s book by the following Wednesday when we go back to the library.  Since library books and our Aa, Bb books are going home regularly I will now include some tips and suggestions on this blog every week to help you read with your child.


How will my child learn to read?

Learning to read does not happen all at once. It involves a series of stages that lead, over time, to independent reading and to fluency.  The best time for children to start learning to read is when they are very young, usually at the preschool level. This is when they are best able to start developing basic reading skills.
1.  The pre-reader and the beginning reader:
·         likes to look at books and likes to be read to
·         likes to behave like a reader – for example, holds books and pretends to read them 
·         learns about words by looking at picture books and playing with blocks that have letters   on them, magnetic letters, and so on
·         learns about words from songs, rhymes, traffic signs, and logos on packages of food
·         learns how text works – for example, where a story starts and finishes and which way the print proceeds
·         begins to understand that his or her own thoughts can be put into print
·         uses pictures and memory to tell and retell a story

Reminders and Notices
  1.  Library books need to be returned to school by Wednesday.
What we did in our centres this week.

Literacy Centres
  1.  Guided reading with our letter books.
  2. Play dough recreating apples and apple trees.
  3. Computer story “Only a Witch Can Fly.”
  4. Finishing “All About Me” book
Math Centres
  1. Math apple books.
  2. Making patterns.
  3. Sorting pasta by shape and size.
  4. Patterning sheets.
 Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

You teach best what you most need to learn. 
Richard Bach 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 24

Friday, August, 24 2010

            I hope everyone had a great time this week for Moon Festival.  I enjoyed an excellent BBQ and enjoyed many moon cakes!  Last Friday I sent home some play dough that we made in class and I hope everyone had a chance to play with it.  If you have an opportunity you could ask your child to spell their name with it.  We have done this many times at school and any time spent at home reinforcing what I do in the classroom will significantly benefit your child.  I have begun this week doing my first assessments of the students.  My first assessment is a basic understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each student.  This then allows to me see what we need to focus on in the coming months. 

Reminders and Notices
  1.  October 11th is a professional development day for teachers and there will no school.
  2. The school provides lunch trays for the students and sometimes they are easier then the bowls that are sent with them.  I am not enforcing it but I thought you might like to know. 
Literacy Centres
  1.  Reading the room trying to find big “C” and little “c.”
  2. Arranging names of students in the pocket chart.
  3.  Letter scramble, using letters to make names.
  4. Computer story “Little Pea.”
  5. Finishing “All About Me” book
Math Centres
  1. Math books.
  2. Memory with numbers 1-9.
  3. Snakes and Ladders.
  4. Practicing using the phone to call home.
  5. Introduction to patterns.
Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. 
William Blake

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 17th

Friday, September, 17 2010
The Pre-K class has grown and we are now up to 4 students.  Our new student is Vincent and he is a pleasure to have in class.  This has been a busy week with more work around our names.  Below is what we did in our literacy and math centres this week.

Literacy Centres
  1.  Reading the room trying to find big “B” and little “b.”
  2. Making names in play dough.
  3.  Reading our “Bb” books.
  4. Computer story “Little Pea.”
  5. Silent Reading
Math Centres
  1. Math books
  2. Memory with numbers 1-5.
  3. Snakes and Ladders                                                                                                                       Next week will be our last week on our unit “All About Me.”  September 27th we will start our Fall and Apples unit.  Just a reminder that this Wednesday September 22nd is Moon Festival and the school will be closed.  This Tuesday we will be celebrating Moon Festival with some games and activities.  As always, if you have any questions or concern, you can write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person. Have a great Moon Festival!


There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. 
John Adams 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pre-K Daily Agenda

Choice Play
Choice Play
Choice Play
Choice Play
Choice Play
Morning Sharing Time (weather, feelings, goal of the day, number of days of school)
Math Centers
Math Centers
Math Centers
Math Centers
Math Centers
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Writers workshop

Bathroom and Clean up
 Silent Reading and Rest time
1:00 –1:15
Afternoon Sharing time (treasure bag, poems, songs)
Themed Activities and Art
Themed Activities and Art
Music with Mrs. Fay
P.E with Mr. Harris
Library with Mr. Coyl
Music with Mrs. Vicky
Review of the Day and Closing Exercises
Elective Activities
Elective Activities
Elective Activities

Week 2 September 10th

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 10th

Friday, August, 10 2010

            Firstly, I would like thank you all for coming on Thursday after school to discuss the curriculum and everything that will occur this year.  It was great to spend some time with you all and talk about what we all hope to accomplish this year as a team.

            The Pre-K’s had great introductory week to our math and language centres.  In language we were busy making our names with play dough and blocks.  We also started using the computer and finding the letter “A” in our room.  In math we started our math books, playing with dice and counting how many letters are in our names.   

            Next week will be similar centres based around our names and starting to explore parts of our bodies.  Also this week I sent home the “Aa Book,” let your child read it to you a few times over the weekend and once you are done with it could you send it back to school.  Every week we will be completing one of these books and they will go home Friday.  If you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. 
Lao Tzu

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 3 2010 Blog number 1!!!!

Friday, August, 3 2010
               So one week completed in the Pre-K class!!!  We had a great week getting to know each other and the routines of the school and classroom.  My first goal of any school year is for the students to get accustomed to me and the school.  Once they are comfortable then we can start to learn.  We did a lot of introductory games and practiced basic procedures of the classroom.  Some of the students are still not used to their English name so at home if you could use it sometimes it would greatly benefit them.   Our first unit is called “All About Me” and we do a lot of things with our name and ourselves. 
            Next week will begin our literacy and math centres.  Our literacy centres will involve many things with the student’s names and in math we are starting basic one to one correspondence and counting 1 to 6.  If you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. 
Benjamin Franklin 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Information Overload


 I understand that this is a busy and stressful time for you as parents.  There will be a lot of information coming home from the administration as well as from us as classroom teachers. If you have more than one child attending school, it must be quite a task to sift through all of the information.  I sympathize with you but also want to stress that there will be some important details coming home this month and please check your child’s back pack every day for paperwork that requires your attention.  If you have any special notes for me you can put them in their backpack or even better hand them to me directly at the beginning or end of the day.  Contact me if you have any questions or concerns with any of the information that is being sent home!

 One of the great things about Kindergarten is the regular (and very necessary) contact with parents and caregivers.  I love using notes and feel free to send me written notes as well.  I check my email frequently and you can email me at:  Please email me with any questions or concerns you have.  Another method in passing information on to me is to call the school which can then pass the message along to me.  We can always make appointments to meet in person if necessary, at a time that works for all of us.
I have included information below that will give you some valuable information about our year together.

 Students can arrive anytime after 8:30am, I will start morning lessons at around 8:45. Parents/caregivers are asked to say their goodbyes before entry into the classroom; this fosters independence early in the school year and allows your child to interact with other students.  Please try not to come into the classroom, if your child needs assistance I will encourage him/her to try on their own then I will help if needed.  
At 3:40 students will be dismissed from the classroom if they are in a club or activity.  If they are not they will be dismissed at 3:00. Parents/caregivers are asked to wait outside the doors and I will dismiss your child as I see you.  Your child’s safety is very important so they will only be released to adults/siblings on the dismissal list.  It is important to be waiting for your child at 3:00 or 3:45 as they often panic if you are not there waiting for them.
Please call the school and inform the office if your child is going to be absent.   If you are aware of an absence in advance (i.e. appointment, trip) please call the school or inform me.  

Some Kindergarten activities are messy!  Your child will be involved in sand, water, glue, paint, play dough, and outdoor play.  It is important for your child to be dressed in comfortable play clothes and running shoes.  Accidents occasionally happen, so please put a bag of extra clothes (with your child’s name on it) into their backpack.  I will take it out and keep it in their cubby.  Remember to put your child’s name on everything that comes to school (especially shoes, outdoor clothing and food containers).


I will be sending home our Treasure Bag with a student every night (beginning in late September).  This is our show and tell.  Enjoy helping your child pick out something special to share with the class and help them prepare for the clues that they will give their classmates.  This is your child’s chance to bring in that special toy that really want to bring to school as we ask that they do not bring their own toys in on the other school days.  Instructions will also be sent home inside the treasure bag.

Each student will have their own plastic folder that will go home when there are letters, books etc that need to be taken home.  Please check it nightly and return it every morning.  If you are sending money, please place it in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, the amount enclosed and the reason for the payment. 


Soon your child will begin to bring home a library book.   Our class will be going to the library a once a week.  There will be more information to follow regarding library procedures. 

**Please send in a 3-4 recent photos of your child to be used in a class book (it will not be returned)

If you have any questions regarding any of this information, please contact me!
I am looking forward to a terrific year with you and your children.

Braedon Sharp J