Tuesday, October 30, 2012



I wanted to say thank you to everyone that came to school today to participate in the Halloween festivities.  We all had a great time and also got to celebrate Chaline's birthday today.  There will be no letter book going home today due to the short week, as we spent the last few days reviewing.  Next week we will start our unit on nursery rhymes in language and sequencing in math.   Some parents have requested the homework package for this month, if any others are interested please let me know.  Have a great long weekend and lets hope the sun comes out!

Vicky and Braedon

Monday, October 29, 2012



Just a few reminders about the Halloween festivities tomorrow.  Please bring a change of clothes for the afternoon as most students do not like wearing their costumes all day.  We will be trick or treating after the parade and songs so could you please bring some treats to share among the students.


Friday, October 26, 2012


Today I sent home "My Gg Book,"  with all that went on today we were unable to colour it.  Sometime over the weekend could you please let your child colour it.

Happy Weekend

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, October, 26 2012

            Another week has passed in the Pre-K classroom and, as you are all aware, next Wednesday we will be celebrating Halloween.  Everyone is welcome to join us during the morning festivities.  We will be having a short parade on the basketball court followed by singing some Halloween songs.  After this, we will be trick or treating throughout the school.  If any parent would like to send in some treats that could be given out as trick or treat candy, that would be great. 

            We are now almost a quarter of the way through the school year and I couldn’t be happier with the progress everyone has made in Pre-K.  Have a safe and happy break next week!

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer Halloween “Monster Mash” and carving pumpkins games
2.      ABC Halloween group puzzles
3.      Phonics Gg
4.      Dress up play, trick or treating

Math Centres
1.      Pattern blocks
2.      Pattern flip book
3.      Pattern necklaces
4.      Decorating pumpkins and making ghosts

Word of the week:  in

Student of the week
The student of the week is Kyle.  Since August Kyle has improved so much and is starting to share his thoughts and ideas with the class.  We are very happy and proud of you Kyle!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Mini books that get sent home need to be brought back to school
2.      Remember to bring back library books by Tuesday
3.      October 31st Fancy dress day (Halloween)
4.      November 1-2 Mid-semester break
5.      November 6-7 Parent teacher meeting
6.      November 14 Fun day
7.      November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at bsharp.his@gmail.com or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

“Nature was my Kindergarten”
William Handy

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday, October, 19 2012

            We are now fully into Halloween and today we made many decorations for our classroom.  Next week we will also be carving out a pumpkin! Remember that Fancy Dress Day (Halloween) is October 31st.  In the morning we will be having a parade and then sing some songs in front of everyone.  All parents are welcome to join us in the morning for this exciting day.  It will also be extra special because Chaline has her birthday that day!! 

This week we learnt about the “F” and “My Ff Book” went home today.  Remember to read this book with your son or daughter a few times over the weekend.  The weekly sight words also directly correspond with the letter books.   In Math we kept learning about patterns and next week we will start to look for patterns around the school and community. 

Just to clarify some things, if I send home an art project, math sheet or anything else it can stay at home.  Only the letter books (Aa, Bb, Cc etc) need to be returned.  So if you see some papers in the clear folder then you can keep them at home.  You could always ask your child about it or get them to explain it to you.  This is always a good chance for them to share what they did in class with you. 

            Reading Tips
Make Reading Fun
Reading aloud can be a lot of fun, not just for parents but for all family members. Here are some ways to get the most out of reading to your young child:
·                       Read with drama and excitement! Use different voices for different characters in the story. Use your child's name instead of a character's name. Make puppets and use them to act out a story.
·                       Re-read your child's favourite stories as many times as your child wants to hear them, and choose books and authors that your child enjoys.
·                       Read stories that have repetitive parts and encourage your child to join in.
·                       Point to words as you read them. This will help your child make a connection between the words he or she hears you say and the words on the page.
·                       Read all kinds of material – stories, poems, information books, magazine and newspaper articles, and comics.
·                       Encourage relatives and friends to give your child books as gifts.
·                       Take your child to the library and look at interactive CD-ROMs and the Internet, as well as books.
·                       Subscribe to a magazine for your child. He or she will love receiving mail!
·                       Read books in your native language, it doest always have to be in English. 
           The more you enjoy the reading experience, the more your child will enjoy it!!!!
What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer Halloween stories “Tooth Fairy Witch” “Monster Mash”
2.      Making names and sight words from letters
3.      Phonics Ff
4.      Making apple books

Math Centres
1.      Pasta sorting and classifying
2.      Lego patterns (AB and AABB patterns)
3.      Pattern necklaces
4.      Making jack-o-lanterns from play dough

Word of the week:  I am

Student of the week
The student of the week is Hugo.  He is improving so much with his speaking abilities and he is always raising his hand to share his thoughts with the class.  Ms. Vicky and I are very proud of you Hugo!!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Mini books that get sent home need to be brought back to school
2.      Remember to bring back library books by Tuesday
3.      October 26th Monthly assembly
4.      October 31st Fancy dress day (Halloween)
5.      November 1-2 Mid-semester break
6.      November 6-7 Parent teacher meeting
7.      November 14 Fun day
8.      November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at bsharp.his@gmail.com or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon
Learn from the masses, and then teach them. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Apple Crisp


Today we made apple crisp and many of the students really enjoyed it.  Below is the recipe if you would like to make it for your family.

Apple Crisp


5 cups apples (peeled/sliced)
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. water

¾ cup packed brown sugar
½ cup flour
½ cup rolled oats
1 tsp. cinnamon
½ cup margarine


1.       Heat oven to 375.
2.      Place apples in pan.
3.      Sprinkle with lemon juice and water.
4.      In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients until crumbly.
5.      Sprinkle over apples.
6.     Bake for 40 – 45 minutes until apples are tender.

Friday, October, 12 2012
            The Pre-K class has been busy this week with apple and leaf activities.  Today we made our second thing from apples, apple crisp.  We have now finished our apple unit and have begun our leaf and Halloween units. In math we are doing many things with patterns.  If you have some time this weekend ask your son or daughter to make and identify some patterns around your home.  On October 31st we will be having a Halloween party.  Details will follow shortly but now is a good time to go out and start looking for a Halloween costume for your children. 

            On a different note, computer class will now be on Tuesdays and drama will be on Mondays.   We have also shifted our Friday kindergarten centres around, they will now be Friday morning.  There will be no letter book going home today because we reviewed all letters and books this week.

Reading Tips
What tips can I use to help my child learn to read?
Tip 1 – Talk to Your Child
Oral language is the foundation for reading. Listening and speaking are a child's first introduction to language. Talking and singing teach your child the sounds of language, making it easier for him or her to learn how to read.
Here are some things you can do to help your child build an appreciation for words and language:
·                       Tell family stories about yourself, your child's grandparents, and other relatives.
·                       Talk to your child as much as possible about things you are doing and thinking.
·                       Ask your child lots of questions.
·                       Encourage your child to tell you what he or she thinks or feels.
·                       Ask your child to tell you about his or her day – about activities and games played.
·                       Be patient! Give your child time to find the words he or she wants to use.
·                       Sing songs, such as the alphabet song, and recite nursery rhymes, encouraging your child to join in.
·                       Play rhyming and riddle games.
What we did in our centres this week

Literacy Centres
1.      Computer Halloween stories
2.      ABC puzzles
3.      Review of phonics A-E
4.      Reading from portfolios (Letter books)

Math Centres
1.      Pasta sorting and classifying
2.      Lego patterns
3.      Pattern necklaces
4.      Finishing our apple family trees

Word of the week:  Review

Student of the week
The student of the week is Ingrid.  She has come along way since August and is now fully participating within the class.  Ingrid is also becoming a leader in Pre-K, Ms. Vicky and I, are very proud of you!!!!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Mini books that get sent home need to be brought back to school
2.      Remember to bring back library books by Tuesday
3.      October 26th Monthly assembly
4.      October 31st Fancy dress day (Halloween)
5.      November 1-2 Mid-semester break
6.      November 6-7 Parent teacher meeting
7.      November 14 Fun day
8.      November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at bsharp.his@gmail.com or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

Learn from the masses, and then teach them. 
Mao Tse-Tung 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Awareness Week

Friday, October, 5 2012

            Another exciting week in the Pre-K class has passed.  Last Friday we had a great time making our apple prints and taste testing different kinds of apples.  This week was awareness week and we did many activities surrounding the issues of bullying.  Over the past few weeks we have been working with our grade 3 buddies to complete anti-bullying posters.  They are now on display in the library and next week will be downstairs on the bulletin board.  Please go take a look when you have the chance.  Today during the awareness week assembly we sang two songs about bullying.  I was so proud that the Pre-K’s were able to stand up in front of the entire school and sing!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone that dressed your child in blue last Wednesday.  Please remember to read the weekly newsletter from the school and check this blog often. 

The Pre-K family has grown and Caroline has a new baby brother, Memphis.  We are all excited by this news and cannot wait to see the newest member of the Wu’s family.

Next week we will continue investigating apples and in math we are now learning about sorting and classifying.  Below is this week reading tips.  Have a great weekend!

Reading Tips
How can I help my child?
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When you help your child learn to read, you are opening the door to a world of books and learning.
Reading aloud to children is the best way to get them interested in reading. Before long they will grow to love stories and books. Eventually they will want to read on their own.
With the help of parents, children can learn how to read and can practice reading until they can read for their own enjoyment. Then they will have a whole world of information and knowledge at their fingertips!
Reading can be a family activity. Spending time with word games, stories, and books will help your child to:
·                       gather information and learn about the world
·                       learn how stories and books work – that they have beginnings, endings, characters,     and themes
·                       build a rich vocabulary by reading and talking about new words
·                       learn how to listen and how to think
·                       learn the sounds of language and language patterns
·                       fall in love with books
It's natural to want to compare your child's reading abilities with those of other children of the same age, but not all children develop reading skills at the same pace. What's important is that you are aware of your child's reading level so that you can choose books and activities that will help him or her improve.
What we did in our centres this week

Literacy Centres
1.      Computer bullying stories and songs
2.      ABC puzzles
3.      Making apple family trees
4.      Phonics book letter “E”
5.      Finishing All about me books

Math Centres
1.      Pasta sorting and classifying
2.      White board dice game
3.      Cards one to one correspondence game
4.      Sand table

Word of the week:  I
Student of the week

            The student of the week is Alyssa Smith.  She has been a great example during awareness week.  I have seen her use strategies to resolve conflict (paper, scissor, stone) and will help other students if they are in need of help.  Ms. Vicky and I are very proud of you!!!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Mini books that get sent home need to be brought back to school
2.      Remember to bring back library books by Tuesday
3.      October 8th Canadian Thanksgiving
4.      October 10th Double Ten Holiday (no school)
5.      October 26th Monthly assembly
6.      October 31st Fancy dress day (Halloween)
7.      November 1-2 Mid-semester break
8.      November 6-7 Parent teacher meeting
9.      November 14 Fun day
10. November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at bsharp.his@gmail.com or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading. 
B. F. Skinner