Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friday, December, 17

            What a great performance we all witnessed last night.  It was an amazing night and it got everyone into the holiday season.  I want to wish everyone my best over the holidays and I can’t wait to see everyone refreshed in 2012. Today our letters we wrote to Santa and his replies went home, make sure you take a look to see how much your child’s writing has improved and to know what they are wanting for Christmas.

Reminders and Notices
1.     Literacy week sponsorship forms are due January 6th
2.     December 16th is a half day and school will start again January 3rd.

What we did in our centres this week

Literacy Centres
1.       Making Christmas decorations.
2.       Reading Christmas books
3.      Computer story “The Night before Christmas.”
4.      Sand letter writing.
5.      Phonics text books review

Math Centres
1.      Making Christmas trees from blocks.
2.      Play dough and toothpicks making shapes.
3.      Making 3D popsicle stick reindeer.
4.      Christmas pattern sheets.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 9th 2011

Friday, December, 9

            Christmas is coming and we are under one week away from our performance.  Please keep sending in the necessary costumes for your child.  This will enable us to have a full dress rehearsal next Wednesday. 

            Thank you to everyone that sent in your sponsorship forms last Wednesday for literacy week.  As a class we had 29 sponsors and over the Christmas break you can still try to find more people to donate.  Just a reminder that it ends January 6th and money won’t be due until after that time.   If you have any further questions you can send me a message or contact the office. 

Christmas Performance Clothing
Wayne:  Black t-shirt and pants
Lucy:  (Ms. Faye already gave you instructions)
Valerie: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)
Ian: All red (as much as you can, blue pants will also be ok)
Thomas: All red (as much as you can, blue pants will also be ok)
Fressia: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)
Sim Ru: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)
Natasha: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)

Student of the Week
The student of the week this week is Lucy.  We had three new students come and try out our school and Lucy went above and beyond the call to make them feel welcome.  We are very proud of you Lucy!

Reminders and Notices
1.     Christmas performance will be December 15th at 6:30pm in the downstairs auditorium.
2.     Literacy week sponsorship forms are due January 6th
3.     December 16th is a half day and school will start again January 3rd.

What we did in our centres this week

Literacy Centres
1.       Making Christmas trees.
2.       Reading Christmas books
3.      Computer story “The Night before Christmas.”
4.      Making Christmas books.
5.      Phonics text books review.

Math Centres
1.      Gingerbread Man counting game.
2.      Play dough and toothpicks making shapes.
3.      Making 3D Christmas stars.
4.      Gingerbread Man count and draw game.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.


And So This Is Christmas;
And What Have We Done?
Another Year Over; A New One Just Begun;
And So Happy Christmas;
I Hope You Have Fun;
The Near And The Dear Ones;
The Old And The Young.
John Lennon

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Advent Calendar

Click to play this Smilebox greeting
Create your own greeting - Powered by Smilebox
Greeting card made with Smilebox

Friday, December, 2nd

            December and the cold weather has arrived in Taiwan, but at least the upside is it will force us to get into the Christmas spirit.  We have finished off studying Nursery Rhymes and today we made gingerbread cookies.  However, after we made them they all disappeared and took us for a scavenger hunt around the school.  Luckily we tracked them down and now they are all safe and sound!

            Next week we will begin our Christmas unit and start the school wide literacy week.  Please remember to try to find sponsors so we can reach our school wide goal of 500 pledges.  All proceeds go to a local charity and our school library, and if we do reach the goal then I will shave my head.  So lets all try to work together and raise some money for a good cause.

As I mentioned previously we are now practicing for our Christmas performance.  December 15th is just around the corner and next Wednesday we will be having a dress rehearsal.  Below you will find what your child will be required to bring in.  Please start sending in the appropriate clothes as soon as possible so we can ready for this special day!

Some parents have inquired about the voluntary homework that I provide.  If you are interested in now joining please come see me as we will start it again in January.

Christmas Performance Clothing
Wayne:  Black t-shirt and pants
Lucy:  (Ms. Faye already gave you instructions)
Valerie: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)
Ian: All red (as much as you can, blue pants will also be ok)
Thomas: All red (as much as you can, blue pants will also be ok)
Fressia: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)
Sim Ru: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)
Natasha: All white (shirt, shorts or pants)

Student of the Week
The student of the week this week is Ian.  He has only been with us for a short time but he is fitting in very well here at HIS and is very thoughtful, kind and generous to the other students.  Amazing Ian!!!

Reading Tip of the Week
Listen to your child read
As your child learns to read, listen to him or her read aloud. Reading to you gives your child a chance to practise and to improve his or her reading skills.
As you listen to your child, remember that your reactions are important. Above all, listen without interrupting. Be enthusiastic and praise your child as often as you can. If possible, be specific with your praise so that your child knows what he or she is doing well.
·                       Show your child that you are enjoying the story by indicating interest and by asking questions.
·                       Give your child time to figure out tricky words, and show your child how he or she can learn from mistakes.
·                       Try to have your child read aloud to you at times when there will be no interruptions.
·                       Make sure that your child selects books that aren't too difficult. Don't worry if the books your child chooses are a little easier than the ones he or she reads at school.
·                       Encourage your child to "listen" to his or her own reading. Listening will help him or her hear mistakes and try to fix them.
·                       Take turns reading with your child, especially if he or she is just beginning to read, or try reading together.
·                       Talk about a story after your child has read it, to make sure that he or she understands it.
Don't forget to encourage your child to read on his or her own!

Reminders and Notices
1.     Christmas performance will be December 15th at 6:30pm in the downstairs auditorium.
2.     Please bring in the necessary clothes for the Christmas performance
3.     Literacy week is December 5-9

What we did in our centres this week.

Literacy Centres
1.       Painting Gingerbread Men.
2.       Gingerbread Man labeling
3.      Computer story “Gingerbread Man.
4.      Writing sight words using magnetic letters.
5.      Phonics text books Ll.

Math Centres
1.      Gingerbread Man counting game.
2.      Play dough and toothpicks making shapes.
3.      Shape monster book.
4.      Gingerbread Man count and draw game.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

When you want to win a game, you have to teach. When you lose a game, you have to learn. 
Tom Landry

Monday, November 28, 2011

What words come to mind when you think of Christmas?... at

Literacy Week

I hope everyone received their brown envelope containing all of the information and forms for literacy week yesterday.  Lets all try to read as many books as we can and if the school reaches the goal of 500 pledges by next Friday, if we do then I will shave my head!!!!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thomas and Lucy's B day and weekly centres

Friday, November, 25

            Another busy week has passed and it was great to see everyone out last Thursday at our American Thanksgiving potluck.  There was so much delicious food and it was great to see so many familiar faces. 

Next week will be our last week studying nursery rhymes.  We have studied Goldilocks and Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man.  In math we have now began to investigate shapes and differences between 2D and 3D shapes. 

            I have changed a few things on this blog.  As you can see there are tabs at the top labeled Calendar and Useful Websites for Parents.  I will update them regularly so please take a look when you have a second, also if you find a useful website or article please let me know so I can post it on the blog.  You will also notice a new daily schedule posted below.  A few things have changed with regards to time and we are also doing reading buddies every Wednesday afternoon.

            We have begun practicing for our Christmas performance.  Please let me know if you cannot make it Thursday December 15th at 6:30pm as I have already planned out what each student will be doing. 
            As you can tell by the blog I take a lot of photos.  But I also love receiving pictures from parents.  If you take a great photo of anyone from the Pre-K class could you please email it to me so I could post it on the blog or have it in the 2011-2012 yearbook.

Also, since December is a shorter school month and very hectic there will be no homework assigned this month.  It will start again in January. 

Student of the Week
The student of the week this week is Lucy.  Her leadership and overall positive energy in the classroom are astonishing.  Way to go Lucy!

Reminders and Notices
1.     Christmas performance will be December 15th at 6:30 in the downstairs auditorium.
2.     Literacy week is December 5-9 (more details will follow)
3.     Please email me any great photos you have of the Pre-K’s

What we did in our centres this week

Literacy Centres
1.       Guided and silent reading with our portfolios.
2.       Little Red Riding Hood sequencing and retelling the story.
3.      Computer story “Little Red Riding Hood.”
4.      Writing sight words using magnetic letters.
5.      Phonics text books Kk.

Math Centres
1.      Making a 3D reproduction of Little Red Riding Hood’s house.
2.      Play dough and toothpicks making shapes.
3.      Shapes cut and paste booklet.
4.      Computer shape games.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

You don't understand anything until you learn it more than one way.
Marvin Minsky

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Updated Daily Schedule

Choice Play
Choice Play
Choice Play
Choice Play
Choice Play
Morning Sharing Time (weather, feelings, goal of the day, number of days of school etc)
Math/Science Centers
Math/Science Centers
Music with Mrs. Fay
Math/Science Centers
Math/Science Centers
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Literacy Centers/ Daily 5
Writers workshop

Bathroom and Clean up
 Silent Reading and Rest time
1:15 –1:30
Drama with Mrs. Willis
P.E with Mr. Burt
Computer class
Music and Dance with Mrs. Vicky and Mrs. Lee
Afternoon sharing time and themed activities
Afternoon sharing time and themed activities
Library with Mr. Welz
Reading Buddies
Afternoon sharing time and themed activities
Assembly/Science experiment/Walk
Review of the Day and Closing Exercises

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friday, November, 18

            Time just keeps flying by and soon we will be getting ready for our Christmas break.  I have completed my third reading observations and I am so happy with all of the progress that the students have made with regards to literacy.  Keep reading as much as you can to your child and like I said to some during the parent teacher meetings, it doesn’t matter if you are reading English or Chinese, reading is reading.  I prefer English of course but reading in Chinese will transfer over to English.  Also, when you are reading with your child encourage them to help you locate and read the sight words.  They love helping and showing how they can read as well. 

            Awareness/anti bullying week was a big success and we all learnt so much about how we can stop bullying in our society.  Today we sang a song about how bullying is unfair to the entire elementary school!  We are still working on our anti bullying posters and will be presenting them next Friday at the monthly assembly.  I am so proud of the Pre-K’s in how much they learnt this week about bullying!

            Since Christmas is just around the corner I have begun to plan for our Christmas concert.  It will be Thursday December 15th.  If you son or daughter wont be able to attend could you please let me know.

Student of the Week
The student of the week this week is Thomas.  He has been an excellent leader with our anti bullying week and has improved so much since September.  This has been a big and challenging goal for him to achieve and we are all so proud of him.

Reading Tips
Tip 5 –  Talk About Books
Talking about the books you read is just as important as reading them. Discussing a story or a book with your child helps your child understand it and connect it to his or her own experience of life. It also helps enrich your child's vocabulary with new words and phrases.
Here are some ways to help your child acquire skills in comprehension, reasoning, and critical thinking:
·                       Ask your child about the kinds of books he or she would like to read.
·                       Talk to your child about your favourite books from childhood, and offer to read them.
·                       Encourage your child to ask questions and to comment on the story and pictures in a book – before, during, and after reading it.
·                       Look at the cover and the title of a book with your child, and ask your child what he or she thinks might happen in the story.
·                       Encourage your child to think critically about the story. Does he or she agree or disagree with the author? Why?
·                       Think out loud about the story as you read, and encourage your child to do the same. For example, ask, "Does this make sense? Why or why not?"
·                       Give your child time to think about the story, and then ask him or her about it again a few days later.

Reminders and Notices
1.      There will be an American Thanksgiving party on Thursday November 24th
2.     Please return word rings after you are done with them.
3.     Christmas performance will be December 15th (more details will be available soon)

What we did in our centres this week.

Literacy Centres
1.       Guided and silent reading with our portfolios.
2.       Thanksgiving craft, what we are thankful for.
3.      Computer story “Little Red Riding Hood.”
4.      Writing sight words using lego.
5.      Phonics text books Jj.

Math Centres
1.      Little Red Riding Hood board game.
2.      Puzzles and dominos.
3.      Shapes cut and paste booklet.
4.      Sizing Goldilocks and the Three Bears with play dough.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. 
Chinese Proverb