Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, October, 26 2012

            Another week has passed in the Pre-K classroom and, as you are all aware, next Wednesday we will be celebrating Halloween.  Everyone is welcome to join us during the morning festivities.  We will be having a short parade on the basketball court followed by singing some Halloween songs.  After this, we will be trick or treating throughout the school.  If any parent would like to send in some treats that could be given out as trick or treat candy, that would be great. 

            We are now almost a quarter of the way through the school year and I couldn’t be happier with the progress everyone has made in Pre-K.  Have a safe and happy break next week!

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer Halloween “Monster Mash” and carving pumpkins games
2.      ABC Halloween group puzzles
3.      Phonics Gg
4.      Dress up play, trick or treating

Math Centres
1.      Pattern blocks
2.      Pattern flip book
3.      Pattern necklaces
4.      Decorating pumpkins and making ghosts

Word of the week:  in

Student of the week
The student of the week is Kyle.  Since August Kyle has improved so much and is starting to share his thoughts and ideas with the class.  We are very happy and proud of you Kyle!

Reminders and Notices
1.      Mini books that get sent home need to be brought back to school
2.      Remember to bring back library books by Tuesday
3.      October 31st Fancy dress day (Halloween)
4.      November 1-2 Mid-semester break
5.      November 6-7 Parent teacher meeting
6.      November 14 Fun day
7.      November 22  American Thanksgiving lunch at school

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

“Nature was my Kindergarten”
William Handy

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