Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 15

Friday, October, 15, 2010
The Pre-K class has been busy this week with apples, leaves and Halloween activities.  We have now finished our apple unit and have started our leaves and Halloween theme.  During the week of October 25th the Kindergarten class will be having a Halloween party.  Details will follow shortly but now is a good time to start making or go out and start looking for a Halloween costume for your children.  Homework is going really well and the students are very eager to tell me how they love completing it.  Also Treasure Bag has been a big success and its something that we all look forward to during the day.

Reading Tips
What tips can I use to help my child learn to read?
Tip 1 –  Talk to Your Child
Oral language is the foundation for reading. Listening and speaking are a child's first introduction to language. Talking and singing teach your child the sounds of language, making it easier for him or her to learn how to read.
Here are some things you can do to help your child build an appreciation for words and language:
·         Tell family stories about yourself, your child's grandparents, and other relatives.
·         Talk to your child as much as possible about things you are doing and thinking.
·         Ask your child lots of questions.
·         Encourage your child to tell you what he or she thinks or feels.
·         Ask your child to tell you about his or her day – about activities and games played.
·         Be patient! Give your child time to find the words he or she wants to use.
·         Sing songs, such as the alphabet song, and recite nursery rhymes, encouraging your child to join in.
·         Play rhyming and riddle games.
Reminders and Notices
  1. Library books need to be returned to school by Wednesday.
  2.  “Aa, Bb etc” books also need to be brought back to school.
  3. There will be a Halloween party the week of the 25th.
  4. On Monday I will send home some pattern sheets; please review and this can stay at home.
What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
  1.  Guided reading with our letter books.
  2.  Halloween activity books.
  3. Computer story “Tooth Fairy Witch.”
  4. Sequencing, seeds to apple trees.
Math Centres
  1. 1-10 ordering with objects.
  2. Making pattern necklaces with string and paper.
  3. Sorting pasta by shape, size and numbers.
  4. Making pattern necklaces.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Learn from the masses, and then teach them. 
Mao Tse-Tung