Friday, September, 21 2012
Last Friday I sent home some play dough that we made in class
and I hope everyone had a chance to play with it. It was a lot of fun to make and the students
got learn about ingredients and how to follow a recipe. If you have an opportunity this weekend could
you please ask your child to spell their name with it? We have done this many times at school and
any time spent at home reinforcing what I do in the classroom will
significantly benefit your child. If you
want to extend it even farther ask your child to spell the names of other
students in the class.
Over the past week I
have begun my first assessments of the students. My first assessment is a basic understanding
of the strengths and weaknesses of each student. This then allows to me see what we need to
focus on in the coming months.
Ms Vicky and I have noticed that many students are tired at
school. Like I mentioned at the
curriculum night, all students need adequate sleep if they want to perform well
at school. Most experts state students
between the ages of 4 and 5 need between 11-13 hours of sleep per night. Below I have some links to some interesting
articles about sleep and the relationship to performance at school.
Next week I will be starting “Treasure Bag,” this is my
version of show and tell. Every night a
child will get an opportunity to take home the bag and put something in
it. You and your child can choose
anything they want to put in it. More
instructions will be in the bag and this is the chance for the students to
bring in a toy from home. Could you
please refrain from sending toys to school at other times because I would hate
to see them get broken or lost.
What we
did in our centres this week.
Silent reading.
Computer story “Big or Little”
Colouring “Bb” book and guided reading.
Making names using plastic letters.
Phonics book letter “C”
Math one to one correspondence books.
Computer counting fish game.
Counting letters in names.
Sand table.
Dice game with sand boards.
Word of
the week: is, a
of the week
The student
of the week is Irene. She is always very
polite and kind to others and will go out of her way to help others. She will also raise her hand to be heard and
refrain from shouting out her thoughts.
Keep up the great work Irene!!!!
and Notices
1. Mini books that get sent home need to be
brought back to school.
2. Remember to bring back library books by Tuesday.
3. Remember to send in two pictures of your son
or daughter.
4. September 28th monthly assembly.
5. September 30th mid-autumn
6. October 1-5th Awareness week.
7. October 8th Canadian
8. October 10th Double Ten Holiday
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can
always write me an email at
or come by and speak to me in person.
Vicky and Braedon