Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

            It has been a great week in the Pre-K class this week.  We have been really enjoying our zoo animal unit.  We have been talking about what animals eat, where they live, and the climate that they come from.  If you have time this week could you ask your child about their favourite animal and talk about how animals live.  Also, next Friday (January 20th) I would like for everyone to bring in one stuffed animal from home.  We will be doing a graphing exercise with them.

            The Pre-K class keeps growing and we have two need students.  Bryan and Arnav have joined us and we are so happy to have them.  If you see them or their parents please welcome them to HIS and the Pre-K team. 

            Next week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year with many activities throughout the school.  On Wednesday everyone will be asked to wear red and Friday we will be eating with chop sticks.  Could you please send in a set of chop sticks next Friday for us to use at lunch time.  

What we did in our centres this week.

Literacy Centres
1.       Zoo animal acting using masks.
2.       African writing books.
3.      Computer story zoo stories.
4.      Guided reading with a teacher.
5.      Phonics book Mm.

Math and Science Centres
1.      Tangram animal blocks.
2.      Tangram computer game.
3.      Monkey scales.
4.      Making 3D shapes

Reading Tips
Your Child's Teacher
When children see their parents and teachers working together, they feel more secure and confident. Taking an interest in your child's education will help your child do better in school.
Teachers can provide advice about helping your child learn to read. Here are some topics you could discuss with them:
·                       your child's reading level
·                       the reading goals for your child and how you can support your child in working towards those goals
·                       books that your child could read easily and books that he or she would find more difficult
·                       books and authors your child might enjoy
·                       the level of your child's interest in reading – for example, whether he or she chooses to read for enjoyment
·                       reading strategies your child could use
·                       books or guides that could help you help your child

At least a few times a week I sit with each students listen to them read.  I am constantly taking notes and seeing where each child needs to improve.  We then work on our goals during our next guided reading time together.  If you ever want to come talk to me about the strengths and weaknesses of your child’s reading level I am always willing to talk.  Keep reading and thanks for all you do for your children.

Student of the Week
The student of the week this week is Valerie for her participation and energy during music class this week.  Great job Valerie, Ms. Faye and I, are very proud of you!!!!

Reminders and Notices
1.     Chinese week will be January 16th-20th
2.     Please send in chop sticks Friday January 20th.
3.     Please dress your child in red January 18th.
4.     Please send in a stuffed animal January 20th.
5.     Chinese New Year will be from January 23rd to 27th and there be NO school.
6.     Valerie has lost her big white jacket, could everyone please keep their eyes open for it.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. 
~Henry Ford

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