Thursday, November 24, 2011

Friday, November, 25

            Another busy week has passed and it was great to see everyone out last Thursday at our American Thanksgiving potluck.  There was so much delicious food and it was great to see so many familiar faces. 

Next week will be our last week studying nursery rhymes.  We have studied Goldilocks and Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man.  In math we have now began to investigate shapes and differences between 2D and 3D shapes. 

            I have changed a few things on this blog.  As you can see there are tabs at the top labeled Calendar and Useful Websites for Parents.  I will update them regularly so please take a look when you have a second, also if you find a useful website or article please let me know so I can post it on the blog.  You will also notice a new daily schedule posted below.  A few things have changed with regards to time and we are also doing reading buddies every Wednesday afternoon.

            We have begun practicing for our Christmas performance.  Please let me know if you cannot make it Thursday December 15th at 6:30pm as I have already planned out what each student will be doing. 
            As you can tell by the blog I take a lot of photos.  But I also love receiving pictures from parents.  If you take a great photo of anyone from the Pre-K class could you please email it to me so I could post it on the blog or have it in the 2011-2012 yearbook.

Also, since December is a shorter school month and very hectic there will be no homework assigned this month.  It will start again in January. 

Student of the Week
The student of the week this week is Lucy.  Her leadership and overall positive energy in the classroom are astonishing.  Way to go Lucy!

Reminders and Notices
1.     Christmas performance will be December 15th at 6:30 in the downstairs auditorium.
2.     Literacy week is December 5-9 (more details will follow)
3.     Please email me any great photos you have of the Pre-K’s

What we did in our centres this week

Literacy Centres
1.       Guided and silent reading with our portfolios.
2.       Little Red Riding Hood sequencing and retelling the story.
3.      Computer story “Little Red Riding Hood.”
4.      Writing sight words using magnetic letters.
5.      Phonics text books Kk.

Math Centres
1.      Making a 3D reproduction of Little Red Riding Hood’s house.
2.      Play dough and toothpicks making shapes.
3.      Shapes cut and paste booklet.
4.      Computer shape games.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

You don't understand anything until you learn it more than one way.
Marvin Minsky

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