Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fun Day Teams and Themes

H.I.S. Fun Day 2011-12

Time:  1:30 - 4:00

Date:  Wednesday, November 2

Where: The track behind H.I.S.

Theme Descriptions:

Surfer / Beach:  Wear something you would wear to the beach, such as; swimming shorts, Hawaiian shirts, sun hats, sunglasses etc..

Sports Team / Athlete:  Here’s an opportunity to dress up as your favourite athlete, or any type of athlete in general (such as a golfer, or tennis player-- it doesn’t have to be a specific person).  You can also just wear a jersey or any article of clothing that shows your loyalty towards a sports team.

Cartoon / Superhero: If you own a costume of a cartoon character (Examples: SpongeBob Squarepants, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse etc.), or that of a superhero (Examples: Superman, Batman, Spiderman etc.), Fun Day would be a great time to wear it. 

Crazy Colours:  This pretty much explains itself.  Just wear the craziest coloured clothing and accessories that you have in your wardrobe.  The brighter and crazier the better!!!

Farmers:  With this theme we were thinking specifically local Taiwanese rice farmers, so a traditional rice farmer’s hat would go a long way.

Crazy Hair:  This is also pretty self-explanatory.  You can wear your hair as crazy as possible (in a style you would probably never wear normally), or perhaps wear a wig! 

Backwards Clothes:  Hopefully students on this team won’t get confused as to which direction they are traveling in.  The idea with this theme is to wear articles of clothing backwards, as long as it doesn’t restrict your natural movement.  Wearing a ball cap backwards or sunglasses upside down would also work well.

Pajamas:  The beauty of this theme is that you can roll straight out of bed and head to school.  Any pajamas that you wear or have will do.  If you’d like to take it a step further you can wear your hair so it looks like you just got up. 

Pirates:  There are different pirate looks you can go with, but a simple bandana on your head and an eye-patch would give you a nice pirate look.

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