Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday May 31, 2013

            All of our silkworms passed away last week for some unknown reason.  However, we have another beetle in our class along with many other insects we have been collecting.  In math we have started our estimation unit and with the warm weather we have been using our water table a lot. 

            Next week is the Matilda play and I will be away Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon to help with the spotlight.  Ms. Vicky, Ms. Willis and Ms. Lee will be teaching the Pre-K’s in the afternoon when I am away.

             Today I sent home a small survey to complete over the weekend with your friends and family.  Once you are finished could you please send it back to school.  

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “The Hungry Caterpillar”
2.      Consonant, vowel, consonant (CVC) pull game
3.      Insect journals
4.      Guided reading with a teacher

Math/Science Centres
1.      Addition board games
2.      Water table estimation
3.      Spring time adding books #2
4.      Cut and paste compound insect words

Word of the week:  with

Student of the week
The student of the week is Hatsumi.  She has emerged as a very confident leader within the Pre-K class.  Hatsumi also enjoyed sharing stories and learning about insects this week.  Super job Hatsumi!

Reminders and Notices
  1. June 6th and 7th Matilda Show
  2. June 12th Dragon Boat festival (no school)
  3. June 13th Silkworm farm
  4. June 17th School Assembly
  5. June18th Pre-K end of year party (more details to follow)
  6. June 19th Last day of School (half day)
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Friday Kindergarten Centres

Friday May 17, 2013

            The students have been enjoying the experience of having some pets in our class.  This week we learnt about where bugs live, what they eat, and the difference between insects and non insects.  Next week we will start learning about the life cycles of silkworms and butterflies and hopefully our silkworms will stay alive because many have become sick.

            Thank you for the quick responses to the silkworm farm in mid June.  Since our class is now at 17 there is not a lot of extra room on the bus.  However, parents are more than welcome to drive out to Mioali and I know that some have already made arrangements to carpool there.

            Please remember that next Tuesday is the elementary art show in the library.  The Pre-K’s will have 5 different art pieces on display along with the many others from the rest of the school.  It will run all day so please drop by and see all of the beautiful art works that everyone has completed throughout the year.

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “The Ant and the Chrysalis”
2.      Pocket chart sequencing stories
3.      Phonics puzzle games
4.      Phonics the letter Z

Math/Science Centres
1.      Addition board games
2.      Fishing adding game and wooden puzzles
3.      Spring time adding books #2
4.      Cut and paste insect activities

Word of the week:  with

Student of the week
The student of the week is Rikuto.  He has only been with us for a few weeks but he has settled in and it feels like he has been here since August.  Rikuto is always trying his best and during music and dance class he tries very hard.  Amazing job Rikuto, keep up the great work!

Reminders and Notices
  1. May 27th Teacher Development Day (no school)
  2. May 29th Art Exhibition
  3. June 6th and 7th Matilda Show
  4. June 12th Dragon Boat festival (no school)
  5. June 17th School Assembly
  6. June 19th Last day of School (half day)
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Friday May 17, 2013

            Our insect unit is in full swing and we have some new critters in our classroom to help the students learn first hand knowledge about them.  Please come by and say hello to our newest Pre-K pets.  For the next two weeks we will be learning about caterpillars and life cycles.  In math we are still studying basic addition and next week we will start learning about estimation.

            For the May homework please try to stay on schedule.  Therefore, today is the end of week one.  The reason is that I have not taught some of the concepts yet in latter weeks (syllables). 

            Lastly I want to give a big thank you to all of the students in the Pre-K class.  This was Rikuto’s first full week and I saw everyone help him in one way or another.  Every student cared and helped him adjust to HIS and I am very proud to see such leadership and responsibility within the class.  This makes Ms. Vicky and me very proud!

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “Ace Lacewing Bug Detective”
2.      Pocket chart sequencing stories
3.      Phonics puzzle games
4.      Phonics the letter Y

Math/Science Centres
1.      Addition board games
2.      Fishing adding game and wooden puzzles
3.      Spring time adding books
4.      Cut and paste insect activities

Word of the week:  he, she

Student of the week
The student of the week is Joshua.  Ms. Welz picked him for how he is during library.   She says that he is very well behaved and is very good at using the book markers.  Also, he was helping Rikuto learn about the library.  Super job Joshua!!!

Reminders and Notices
  1. May 27th Teacher Development Day (no school)
  2. May 29th Art Exhibition
  3. June 6th and 7th Matilda Show
  4. June 12th Dragon Boat festival (no school)
  5. June 17th School Assembly
  6. June 19th Last day of School (half day)
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Love My Mommy

Friday May 10, 2013

            We just finished our Community Helpers unit and yesterdays visit to the fire station was a perfect ending.  It was great to see many parents join us on this field trip as everyone had a lot of fun.

            Our last unit of the school year will be about insects.  We will be investigating different types of insects, body parts and life cycles.  At the end of the unit we will be visiting a silkworm farm in Miaoli.  More details will be sent home shortly.

            We have another student joining the Pre-K team, Rikuto Takahara.  He is originally from Japan but was previously in Korea.  Please welcome him into our Pre-K family.

            This Friday I will send out the rest of the word rings to the remaining students and I would like to thank Mr. Ying (Winston’s dad) for taking the video of the students singing their community helper song last week.

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
1.      Computer story “I got two Dogs” Starfall - Nursery Rhyme player
2.      Mothers Day Books
3.      Sand boards word wall practice
4.      Phonics the letter X

Math/Science Centres
1.      Matching community helper game
2.      Fishing adding game and wooden puzzles
3.      Sand scales and water addition game
4.      Market role playing

Word of the week:  of

Student of the week
The student of the week is Rachel.  Mr. Burt picked her because she has been participating a lot during P.E and is very energetic when playing games.  He also said that she always tries very hard and is a good winner and loser.  Super job Rachel!!!

Reminders and Notices
  1. May 12th Mothers Day
  2. May 27th Teacher Development Day (no school)
  3. May 29th Art Exhibition
  4. June 6th and 7th Matilda Show
  5. June 12th Dragon Boat festival (no school)
  6. June 17th School Assembly
  7. June 19th Last day of School (half day)
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.

Vicky and Braedon

Baby Boss

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2, 2013

Due to the rain yesterday we had to cancel our community walk.  However, we are still planning on visiting the fire station next Thursday.  Next week will be our last week investigating community helpers.  Our last unit of the school year will be about bugs and insects.

I sent home the word rings to 8 students yesterday, please review these and send them back to school.  I will then send them out to the remaining 8 students.

For the students participating in the homework program, it will start May 13th.  This will be our last homework pack and thus it can go into June.

Have a great long weekend!