Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 28th

Friday, January 28, 2010
            We had a great time yesterday at the zoo.  All of the students’ behaved very well and the weather was beautiful.  Today was also another fun day with our Chinese New Year centres.  We did some lion dances, sang some songs and played games with red envelopes and lucky candy. 

Mrs. Vicky and I want to wish everyone a fun and happy Chinese New Year.  Enjoy the break with your family and I will see you all back at school February 7th.
What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
  1.  Making animal masks and acting out stories.
  2.  Zoo mini books.
  3. Computer story “Black and White Animals”
  4. Guided reading with a teacher.
Math and Science Centres
  1. Tangram animal blocks recreating without using the template.
  2. Shapes computer game.
  3. Scales with weights and blocks trying to make them equal.
  4. Constructing 3D shapes.
Reminders and Notices
  1. February 28th will be the last day of school for Chinese New Year until February 7th.
  2. Class picture day will be February 10th, so dress in suitable clothing.
  3. Please bring back “Aa, Mm” books.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email or come by and speak to me in person.

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 22 Pictures

January 21 Blog

Friday, January 21, 2010
January is almost gone and I am sure many of you are getting ready for the Chinese New Year break.  Next Friday the 28th will be our last day of school until February 7th.  We are going to celebrate this festival next Friday with some Chinese New Year activities and a small party. 
Next month the Pre-K’s are going to be studying Valentines Day, friendship and multiculturalism.  During this unit I always like having people of different nationalities come into the class and share some information about their culture with us. After the New Year I will have more information regarding this exciting opportunity for our students to learn about their friends’ countries and traditions.
Next Thursday is the day of our zoo trip. Please cross your fingers that it will be a beautiful day.  If it happens to be raining or very cold then we will have to postpone it until early February. 

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
  1.  Animal puppet buddy reading.
  2.  Zoo mini books.
  3. Computer story, “Black and White Animals”
  4. Guided reading with a teacher.
Math and Science Centres
  1. Tangram animal blocks recreating without using the template.
  2. Shapes computer game.
  3. Scales with weights and blocks trying to make them equal.
  4. Constructing 3D shapes.

Reminders and Notices
  1. February 28th will be the last day of school for Chinese New Year until February 7th.
  2. Beauty and the Beast DVD went home with students on Friday.
  3. Class picture day will be February 10th, please dress in suitable clothing.

As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.
Learning without thought is labor lost. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zoo Field Trip

Here is the letter that went home on Monday

January 17 2011
Dear Parents,

We are currently enjoying our study of zoo animals in our pre-K class. As part of this project, it will be a great learning experience to take the students to Hsinchu Zoo on Thursday January 27th.

We would leave school around 9:30am and return around 1:00pm.  We have just a few students so we will travel by taxi with Mrs. Vicky and me.  We will be having lunch at the zoo so could you please pack a lunch suitable to eat outside.  The cost of the trip will be 80NT

Please fill in the reply slip below and return it to school along with the money by January 21st, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Mr. Sharp


Dear Mr. Sharp,

I give permission for my child to visit the Hsinchu Zoo

Child’s name: __________________________

Parent’s Signature ______________________

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 14 2011

Friday, January 13, 2010
            It has been a great cold week in the Pre-K class this week.  We have been really enjoying our zoo animal unit.  We have been talking about what animals eat, where they live, and the climate that they come from.  If you have time this week could you ask your child about their favourite animal and talk about how animals live.  In math we have begun to discuss various 2D and 3D shapes and where we see them in our world.  I am still planning on the Hsinchu zoo field trip and details will follow shortly.
          It seems that I made a mistake on the homework this month by having the first page not correspond with what is inside.  I am sorry for this mistake and just follow what is inside on the pages.  Thanks!

What we did in our centres this week.

Literacy Centres
  1.  Animal puppet buddy reading.
  2.  African writing books.
  3. Computer story “Meet the Meerkats”
  4. Guided reading with a teacher.
Math and Science Centres
  1. Tangram animal blocks.
  2. Tangram computer game.
  3. Free exploration of scales.
  4. Math counting text books.

Reading Tips
Your Child's Teacher
When children see their parents and teachers working together, they feel more secure and confident. Taking an interest in your child's education will help your child do better in school.
Teachers can provide advice about helping your child learn to read. Here are some topics you could discuss with them:
·         your child's reading level
·         the reading goals for your child and how you can support your child in working towards those goals
·         books that your child could read easily and books that he or she would find more difficult
·         books and authors your child might enjoy
·         the level of your child's interest in reading – for example, whether he or she chooses to read for enjoyment
·         reading strategies your child could use
·         books or guides that could help you help your child

At least a few times a week I sit with each students listen to them read.  I am constantly taking notes and seeing where each child needs to improve.  We then work on our goals during our next guided reading time together.  If you ever want to come talk to me about the strengths and weaknesses of your child’s reading level I am always willing to talk.  Keep reading and thanks for all you do for your children.

Like always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. 
~Henry Ford

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Music craft


Mrs. Faye our music teacher has asked that each child bring in a shoe box and 2 new pencils into school.  She is planning on making a craft with them next week.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 7th 2011

Friday, January 6, 2010
           I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday. I have heard through the students that you all had some great adventures and fun over the break. I spent my time on the island visiting with old friends and running as much as possible. However, by the end I was excited to get back to school and see all of my students again.
          This month in literacy and social studies we are investigating zoo animals and since Hsinchu has a zoo I am planning on taking the students for a field trip near the end of the month. I am also planning on a few other field trips throughout the rest of the school year because I believe that there are many learning opportunities to be had outside of the classroom setting.  In math and science this month we are investigating greater than, less than, the same, and various 2D and 3D shapes.

Homework has also begun again this month and I am very happy with the response I am receiving from it. 

Happy New Year and stay warm!

What we did in our centres this week.
Literacy Centres
  1.  Animal puppet buddy reading.
  2.  African writing books.
  3. Computer story “Meet the Meerkats”
  4. Guiding reading with a teacher.
Math Centres
  1. Tangram animal blocks.
  2. Tangram computer game.
  3. Free exploration of scales.
  4. Math counting text books.
As always, if you have any questions or concern you can always write me an email at or come by and speak to me in person.


Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.  ~Abbé Dimnet, Art of Thinking, 1928